
钮 门 (别 称 钮 扣 孔 )的英文

  • buttonhole
  • :    entrance; exit; door; gate
  • :    change
  • :    call
  • 钮扣:    button
  • :    hole; opening; aperture
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        :    entrance; exit; door; gate
        :    change
        :    call
        钮扣:    button
        :    hole; opening; aperture
        钮 扣 夹 ( 俗 称 钮 蟹 ):    clamp
        :    Ⅰ名词1.同“纽”2.(姓氏) a surname 钮滔 niu taoⅡ(构词成分)见 “电钮”
        钮,圆形把手:    knob
        孔, 门:    porus
        端接[钮]式电阻箱:    resistance box with terminals,
        四端(钮)标准电阻器:    four-terminal standard resistor
        包边 缝 骨 ( 别 称 包 边 接 缝 ):    bound seam
        管 道 缝 骨 ( 别 称 管 道 接 缝 ):    channel seam
        山 羊 绒 ( 别 称 紫 羊 绒 ):    cashmere
        上 臂 肌 ( 别 称 二 头 肌 ):    biceps
        下 送 布 ( 别 称 下 送 料 ):    bottom feed
        针 凹 槽 ( 别 称 避 勾 位 ):    clearance above eye
        针 尾 (别 称 针 踵 ) (车 针 ):    butt
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(套住或搭住) button up; buckle 把门扣上 latch [bolt] the door; 把皮带扣上 buckle a belt; 把衣服扣上 button (up) one's coat; 扣钮扣 do up the buttons2.(把有口的器物倒过来或罩在别的东西上) place a cup, bowl etc. upside down; cover with an inverted cup, bowl etc.: 把碗扣在盘子上 turn the bowl bottom upward on the plate etc.; 把缸扣过来。 turn the vat upside down. 用碗把菜扣上,免得凉了。 cover the food with a bowl to keep it from getting cold.3.(扣留; 扣押) detain; take into custody; arrest 把罪犯扣起来 take the offender into custody; 他被扣在警察局里。 he is detained at a police station. 他违反交通规则, 交通警扣了他的自行车。 the policeman took away his bike because he had violated traffic regulations.4.(叩;敲击) knock; smash (the ball) 猛扣一球 smash the ball forcefully5.(从原数额中减去一部分) deduct; discount; take off 打九扣 give a 10 per cent discount; 扣工资 deduct part of sb.'s pay; 他们从我的工资中扣下八角钱交工会会费。 they kept back eighty fen from my wages for trade union membership dues.6.(扳动) press; pull 扣动扳机 press the triggerⅡ名词1.(绳子等打成的结) knot; buckle 系个扣儿 tie [make] a knot; 鞋扣 shoe buckle2.(纽扣) button 大衣 [短上衣, 裤子, 背心] 扣 the coat [jacket, trousers, waistcoat] button
        :    称动词(适合; 相当) fit; match; suit 对称 symmetry; 颜色相称 well matched in colour
        :    别动词[方言] (改变) change (sb.'s opinion) 别不过 unable to dissuade; fail to talk sb. out of doing sth.
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(洞; 窟窿; 眼儿) hole; opening; aperture 鼻孔 nostril; 打孔 punch a hole; 钥匙孔 keyhole; 仅有的光亮来自一个小孔。 the only light came through a narrow aperture. 这座桥有十七个孔。 the bridge has 17 arches.2.(姓氏) a surname 孔丘 kong qiuⅡ量词(用于窑洞) 一孔土窑 a cave-dwelling
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(房屋、车船等的出入口 ) entrance; exit; door; gate 便门 side door; 前[后] 门 front [back] entrance [door]; 炉门 stove door; 安全门 emergency exit; 校门 school gate2.(形状或作用像门的东西) switch; valve 闸门 [机械工程] throttle valve; 水门 sluice; water gate; 电门 switch3.(门径; 关键) way ; method; access 窍门 key; knack; 摸着点门儿了 have learned the ropes; know one's way around; get an inkling4.(家; 家族) family; house 满门 the whole family; 喜临门。 blessing has descended upon the house.5.(宗教、学术思想上的派别) school (of thought); (religious) sect; branch of study 佛门 buddhism; 孔门弟子 confucian disciples; 左道旁门 heretical sect; heterodox school6.(事物的分类) category; class; branch of study 专门 speciality; 门门精通 know every subject or profession; 分门别类 divide into different categories7.[生物学] (具有最基本最显著的共同特征的生物的归类) phylum 原生动物门 protozoa; 脊椎动物门 vertebrata8.[计算机] gate: “与”门 and gate; “非”门 not gate9.(姓氏) a surname 门文爱 men wen'aiⅡ量词1.(用于炮) 一门大炮 a piece of artillery; a cannon; a gun; 两门迫击炮 two mortars2.(用于功课、技术等) 这一门亲事 this marriage (proposal); 这门学问 this branch of study; 学两门手艺 learn two skills [crafts]
        “禁”门,“与非”门:    except-gate
        扣,扣紧钮扣:    button up


  1. "扭艉"英文
  2. "扭髀"英文
  3. "扭髀扭脚"英文
  4. "钮"英文
  5. "钮 扣 夹 ( 俗 称 钮 蟹 )"英文
  6. "钮,圆形把手"英文
  7. "钮柏灵"英文
  8. "钮斑"英文
  9. "钮斑纸博"英文
  10. "钮承泽"英文


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